Bulletin Board For April 3
General Interest
Good Friday Way of the Cross, 3:15 p.m., April 3, Four Freedoms Monument, Evansville; process from monument to Holy Trinity, Evansville; reflecting on the path that Christ followed for our redemption; open to the public; sponsored by Communion and Liberation; questions or for more information contact Father Alex Zenthoefer at azenthoefer@evdio.org.
Triduum Morning Prayer, 9 a.m., Easter Saturday, April 4, St. Benedict Cathedral, Evansville; Morning Prayer includes singing of psalms and canticles, reading of Scripture, homily, intercessions; questions or for more information contact Matt Miller at mmiller@evdio.org or 800-637-1731.
Latin High Mass on Easter Sunday, 2 p.m., April 5, Holy Trinity, Evansville; celebrant and homilist Father Donald Dilger; Mass will include Gregorian Chant and incense; Latin-English missalettes provided; everyone invited.
Favorite Recipes Needed, St. Rupert, Red Brush is compiling a cookbook of favorite recipes in celebration of its 150th anniversary the end of August; main dish entries are needed in addition to other favorites; email entry to StRupertPrays@aol.com or mail to Anne Nord, 1033 Red Brush Rd., Newburgh, IN 47630; deadline for submission is April 6; no limit to number of recipes.
Evening with the Ursuline Sisters Program, 5:30-7 p.m., April 7, Mount St. Joseph Conference and Retreat Center, Maple Mount, Ky.; “Gratitude as Gift” will be presented by Ursuline Sister Mary Matthias Ward; $15 includes program and dinner; pre-registration required by contacting Kathy McCarty at 270-229-0206 or visit Kathy.mccarty@maplemount.org; visit www.ursulinesmsj.org for a complete list of dates and topics.
Alzheimer’s Association: Memory Café, 2-3:30 p.m., second Wednesday of every month, Alzheimer’s Association, 701 N. Weinbach Ave., Suite 510, Evansville; next meeting is April 8; social group meets second Wednesday of every month; open to people with memory loss and their loved ones; provides a safe, comfortable, engaging environment for laughing, learning and staying socially engaged; registration required by calling 800-272-3900.
Divine Mercy Sunday, 2:30 p.m., April 12, Corpus Christi, Evansville; service includes exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on Divine Mercy, Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song, Holy Rosary/Glorious Mysteries, Divine Mercy Litany, Benediction and Reposition of Blessed Sacrament; confessions available during service.
Divine Mercy Service, 3 p.m., April 12, St. Ferdinand, Ferdinand; hosted by Father Jack Durchholz; in preparation, please make a worthy confession during Lent and begin the Divine Mercy Novena on Good Friday, April 3; Sacrament of Confession will be offered before and after Service.
Rogation Mass, 6:30 p.m., April 15, Sacred Heart, Schnellville; open to all who eat and care for the earth; participants are encouraged to bring a sample of seed and soil to be blessed at the end of Mass.
“Who is My Neighbor? The Challenge of Living a Life of Justice,” 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., April 18, Kordes Center, Ferdinand; presentation by Benedictine Sister Jackie Kissel; $75/person includes lunch; registration due April 15; for more information or to register call 800-880-2777 or visit www.thedome.org/programs.
“Addressing the Mental Health Crisis: What Really Matters,” doors open 6 p.m., presentation 6:30-8 p.m., April 23, St. Mary’s Amphitheater, St. Mary’s Hospital, Evansville; presentation by St. Mary’s pediatric psychologist Jim Schroeder; optional question and answer session follows; registration not required; for further information contact Kelly Shaw at 812-485-4419; Open to the public.
Celebration of St. Theresa School Through the Years, 4:30 p.m. Mass, May 30, St. Theresa, Evansville; gathering of alumni and former parishioners for Mass followed by barbecue dinner; School Open House and reception after 8 a.m. Mass until noon; everyone invited.
Respect Life Celebration, Oct. 7, Mass, catered dinner and Spanish-language keynote presentation; Oct. 8, Mass, catered dinner and English-language keynote presentation,; both events at Nativity, Evansville; keynote presenter is Archbishop Thomas Wenski of the Archdiocese of Miami; more details, including registration information, is forthcoming at http://www.charitiesevv.org/.
Traditional Latin High Mass with Gregorian Chant, every Sunday, 2 p.m., Holy Trinity, Evansville; celebrant and homilist Father Donald Dilger; Latin-English missalettes provided.
Masses for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Sunday 8:30 a.m., Nativity Church, 3635 Pollack Ave., Evansville; ASL interpreter and assisted listening devices available; for information call Father Henry Kuykendall at 812-476-7186.
Rosary for World Peace, St. Joseph Commandery 306, Evansville,Knights of St. John, will begin their monthly meeting by praying the rosary for world peace; meetings held the second Monday of each month; prayer begins at 7 p.m.; all members are encouraged to attend.
Eucharistic Adoration, second Wednesday of each month, 7 a.m-6 p.m., Good Shepherd, Evansville; everyone welcome.
Retirees’ Gathering, 1-4 p.m., first Wednesday of each month, Resurrection School Cafeteria, Evansville; ladies and gentlemen are invited to play Clabber, Solo or bring a game of your choice; refreshments served; for more information contact Dorothy Morris at 812-963-3838.
Next Rediscover Catholicism, 10:30 a.m.-noon, second Thursday of each month, Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center, Maple Mount, Ky.; next class is April 9; focus on Matthew Kelly’s book, “Rediscover Catholicism”; $10 fee per class includes lunch; to register contact Kathy McCarty at 270-229-0206 or by email at kathy.mccarty@maplemount.org.
Learn More About Vegetable Fermentation Workshop, 1-3 p.m., April 11, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods; class will give attendees the knowledge and confidence to move forward on their own vegetable preservation adventures; multiple techniques for fermenting vegetables will be presented; $35 fee includes materials, samples and take-home ferments; registration deadline is April 9; to register call 812-535-2932 or email rmorton@spsmw.org.
Seventeenth Annual Earth Day, 11 a.m.-3 - p.m., April 18, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods; educational exhibits, children’s activities, live music, Silly Safaris Show, Mark Booth Take Flight Wildlife, mini workshops; no registration required; no cost but goodwill offering accepted; for more information call 812-535-2932 or email rmorton@spsmw.org.
Heartsaver First Aid with CPR & AED; 5:30-9:30 p.m., two session class, April 21 and 28, Community Relations Classroom, Memorial Southside Office. Jasper; class provides information on how to manage illness and injuries in the first few minutes of an emergency until professional help arrives; skills taught include CPR, AED use, relief of choking in adults and children, and infant CPR and relief of choking; cost $60; pre-registration required; for information or to register call 812-481-2399.
April Fitness Class Schedule at Memorial Hospital, Monday, Get Fit 55 , 10:30-11:15 a.m., Core 20, 12:10-12:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Cardio HIIT, 4:10-4:30 p.m., Core 20, 4:40-5 p.m., Jazzercise Strength45, 5:45-6:30 p.m., Jazzercise® Dance Mixx, 6:45-7:45 p.m.; Wednesday, Get Fit Shuffle, 10:30-11:15 a.m., Shape It Up, 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Thursday, Core 20, 12:10-12:30 p.m., Yoga Flow, 4:15-5:15 p.m., Jazzercise® Dance Mixx, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Jazzercise® Strength45, 6:45-7:30 p.m.; Friday, Get Fit Yoga 10:30-11:15 a.m.; all classes held at Memorial Southside Office, Jasper; for more information or to register visit www.mhhcc,org or call 812-996-2399.
College Faith Life
Sunday Masses, UE Newman Center, Sunday Mass at 1 p.m., Neu Chapel, University of Evansville (unless otherwise noted); April 5, No Mass, Easter; April 12, Benedictine Father Godfrey Mullen; April 19, Father Christopher Droste; April 26, Fr. Mullen; May 3, Father Jason Gries.
UE Newman Club’s Dinner and Discussion Program, 5:30-7 p.m., Newman Center, 1901 Lincoln Ave., Evansville; food, fun, fellowship; April 6, UE Senior Katie Ziebell, “Conversion: Celebrating One Year as a Catholic”; April 13, UE Sophomore Nick Raupp, “Finding AWE in ALL THINGS”; April 20, prepare and serve dinner at the United Caring Shelter; April 27, senior appreciation night; for more information contact Kristal at kr53@evansville.edu or call/text 812-760-8610.
Wednesday Night Faith Exploration, 4:30-6 p.m. study break at Jazzman’s, 6-7 p.m. dinner at Ridgway, 7-8:15 p.m. four-week movie series, “The New Evangelization” with Father Robert Barron at UE Newman Center, Evansville, April 8, 15, 22, 28.
Evening Mass, every Wednesday, Neu Chapel, University of Evansville; 9 p.m. opportunity for reconciliation and rosary before 9:30 p.m. Mass; April 1, Father Alex Zenthoefer; April 8, Father Dusty Burns; April 15, Father Christopher Droste; April 22, Father Jason Gries; April 29, Fr. Burns; May 6, Benedictine Father Godfrey Mullen; call/text 812-760-8610 or email Kristel at kr53@evansville.edu for more information.
St. John, Daylight Chicken and Ham Dinner, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m., April 12; serving fried chicken or ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken and dumplings, slaw, green beans, corn, dessert, beverage; $9/adults, $4.50/children age 12 and under; carry-out available; country store with baked goods; quilt raffle, tickets $1 each; hosted by the St. Anne Altar Society.
Holy Cross Family Style All You Can Eat Chicken Dinner, 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m., April 12, Holy Cross School cafeteria, Fort Branch; $9.50/adults, $4.50/children; carry out available.
Sts. Peter and Paul, Haubstadt Die Kirche Auktion Die Fest Kick Off Dinner, 5-7:30 p.m., April 18, old gym, Gibson and West St., Haubstadt; serving country sausage, navy beans, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce, cornbread, drink; hot dogs and chips available for kids; dine in, carry out and drive through available.
Welcome to Medicare Seminar, 4 p.m., April 16, 951 Hebron Ave, Suite C, Evansville; program will help you better understand the many different parts of Medicare and what your options are when you enroll; presented by Gina Downs; sponsored by St. Mary’s Senior Connection; no charge but registration required by calling 812-473-7271 or 800-258-7610; no specific plans or companies will be discussed.
St. James, Haubstadt Senior Trip, April 30, one day trip to Chaffin Barn Dinner Theater to see musical comedy “Good Ol’ Girls”; call Norma at 812-867-3036 for more information and reservations before April 22; everyone is welcome to participate.
Fish Fry
St. Mary, Sullivan, 4-7 p.m., April 17.
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Die Kirche Auktion Fest, silent auction 8 a.m.-noon, kid’s games 10 a.m.-3 p.m., live auction begins 1 p.m., April 19, Old Gym, Haubstadt; Chinese auction, Treasure Chest raffle, quilt raffle, half-pot, Road to Riches Raffle; for information call 812-768-6457.
Fourth Annual Rummage and Bake Sale, 7 a.m.-6 p.m., April 24, 7 a.m.-noon, April 25 is $5 bag sale, St. Anthony parish hall, St. Anthony; clothing, baby items, Christmas items, toys, books, men’s items; refreshments and bake sale; proceeds to be used roof repair of Padua Center.
St. Wendel Third Annual Rummage Sale, 4-7 p.m., May 15, 7 a.m.-noon, May 16; Friday shoppers pay double; $3 bag sale starting 10 a.m., May 16; cash only.
St. Benedict Cathedral, Evansville Bingo, every Monday night; doors open 5:30 p.m., early bird starts 6:30 p.m., regular bingo starts 7 p.m.
Bariatric Public Forum, 9-10 a.m., April 25, Memorial Hospital Medical Arts Building Conference Center, Jasper; learn more about bariatric weight loss surgery now being offered at Memorial Hospital; for more information call 812-996-0185.
Spiritual Growth
The Labyrinth: Walking Our Way to Wholeness, 6:45-8 p.m., April 16 or 30, Kordes Center, Ferdinand; learn about the labyrinth and experience a meditative walk on the monastery’s grass labyrinth; no fee but free-will offering appreciated; registration due April 13 for April 16 session, April 27 for April 30 session; for more information or to register call 800-880-2777 or visit www.thedome.org/programs.
Taizé Prayer Gathering, 7-8 p.m., second Tuesday of each month, Church of the Immaculate Conception, Saint Mary-of-the Woods; April 14 gathering to focus creation, “A Prayer for Reverence for Creation” is the theme; candlelight service includes prayer, music, time for silence, spoken and silent prayers; free to attend; for more information call 812-535-2952 or log on to Taize.ProvCenter.org.
Benedictine Sister Ilia Delio to Speak at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m., June 19, O’Shaughnessy Dining Room, Providence Spirituality and Conference Center; thirty-fifth anniversary celebration of the Women of Providence; presentation “Birthing providence: The Universe is Pregnant with God”; for more information or to register call 812-535-2952, deadline is April 15.
Healing Mass, 3:30 p.m. worship, 4 p.m. Mass, April 19, St. John, Daylight; Father John Judie is celebrant; for information call John Bennett at 812-544-2239, Charles Mendel at 812-482-7502, Kim Kendall at 812-630-8933; for more information visit http://www.psci.net/blitzen/ or www.evansvillecharismaticrenewal.org/.
Providence Associate Application Process Begins, applications are being accepted by the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for associates through June 30; open to women and men of faith ages 18 ears or older who would like to walk with the Sisters of Providence haring in their mission of love, mercy and justice; orientation at Saint Mary-of-the-woods required; not cost; for more information call Debbie Dillow at 317-994-6821 or email ddillow@spsmw.org.
Support Groups
Your Health and Diabetes Education, 7-8 p.m., third Monday of each month, Pavilion Classroom, Memorial Hospital, Jasper; support group provides knowledge to help you feel more secure, manage problems, avoid hospitalization; next meeting is April 20; for more information call 812-996-0521.
“Look Good, Feel Better,” 10 a.m.-noon, April 20, Lange-Fuhs Cancer Center, Jasper; provides information and cosmetic advice including hands-on instruction for women battling cancer; program is free but pre-registration is required; for more information visit www.mhhcc.org or call 812-996-0626.
Celebrate Today, 6 p.m., April 27, St. Joseph Parish Center, Jasper; quarterly program of healing support, education and enjoyment for cancer patients, their families and caregivers; April will be “A Spring Fling” with attendees decorating their favorite spring or fishing hat or baseball cap, no special attire required; light meal followed by fellowship and discussion of topics geared specifically toward people affected with cancer; no fee, pre-registration required; for more information or to pre-register by April 21, call 812-996-0626; program is funded by the Lange-Fuhs Cancer Center and Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Alzheimer’s Support Group, meets second Tuesday of each month, 5 p.m., Education Center, Daviess Community Hospital, Washington; no fee; for more information call 812-254-8620, ext. 1622.
Good Shepherd Social Support Group, noon, third Sunday of each month, Good Shepherd, Evansville; group for divorced or widowed led by Timmie Lingo; for more information call 812-602-1839.
NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) Support Group, for families with infants in the NICU, meetings are Mondays, 3:30 p.m., NICU parent lounge, third floor, St. Mary’s Medical Center, Evansville.
Man to Man Cancer Support Group, meets the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30-8 p.m., Evansville Cancer Center, Evansville; sessions are free; refreshments served; for more information call 812-474-1110; sponsored by the American Cancer Society.
Vocation Exploration
Come and See Weekend, April 10-12, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.; the Sisters of Providence invite Catholic women ages 18-42 to discover what life would be like as a Sister of Providence; weekend theme is “Rooted in Charism of Providence”; for more information contact Providence Sister Editha Ben at 812-535-2895 or by email at eben@spsmw.org.
Youth/Young Adult
Safe Kids’ Day, 4-7 p.m., April 8, front of the Hospital for Women and Children, Evansville; families are encouraged to attend; event includes car seat checks, interactive games, bike safety videos, helmet safety information, vehicle awareness, water safety education, fire truck onsite.
Source and Summit 2015 Youth Retreat, April 10-12, Mater Dei High School gym, Evansville; Mass, confession, adoration, rosary, praise, Scripture, small group workshops, fun, friends, food; open to ages 13-24; for more information or to register e-mail www.sourcesummitevansville.org.
Source and Summit 2015 Parent Retreat, 7:30 a.m. registration, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. retreat, April 11, Resurrection, Evansville; $20/person includes light lunch; child care available, RSVP in advance to amdlash566@aol.com; for more information or to register visit www.sourcesummitevansville.org.
Camp Little Red Door, summer camp held July 27 through Aug. 1 open to any child 8-18 years old with cancer or in remission living in Indiana, one sibling/friend is welcome to attend if space allows; camp includes swimming, canoeing, fishing, archery, camp fires, arts and crafts; experienced medical staff onsite 24 hours a day; $25/camper, $50/sibling or friend; registration deadline is June 13 by calling 317-925-5595 or downloading application at www.littlereddoor.org/camp.