Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Mater Dei Senior Earns American Legion Scholar Award

Michaela Kunkler

Mater Dei High School senior Michaela Kunkler of Evansville earned the Samsung American Legion Scholar Award during the 75th annual Hoosier Girls State, held June 19-25 Trine University in Angola, Ind. Kunkler attended as a delegate of Cannelton American Legion Auxiliary 142.

As a Samsung American Legion Scholar, she will represent Indiana as a finalist for a $20,000 scholarship at the national level. The Hoosier Girls State staff also honored Kunkler with a $100 Hoosier Girls State Staff Scholarship.

Hoosier Girls State educates leaders of tomorrow in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

Attendees are “citizens” who begin their week-long adventure by registering to vote. They are assigned as delegates to a mythical political party that has no political organization or party platforms; delegates establish those during the first three days of the session.

Delegates also file for an elected city, county or state office.  They campaign for office, giving speeches and distributing campaign materials.

Once elected to office, delegates are sworn in and perform the duties as described for that position.  Non-elected delegates receive appointments and visit the offices of those elected to communicate their needs as citizens. During the week’s mock elections, Kunkler was elected City Judge for Koutz City.

Michaela is the daughter of Bill and Julia Kunkler of Evansville.