Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Are You Online?



Social media offers the opportunity for people from every corner of our diocese – and the world – to connect and stay in touch. Are you online?


Bishop Thompson is. You will find him on Instagram and Twitter, where you can follow him; like his posts; and interact by commenting on his Instagram posts and sending Tweets with his screen name in them.


You can do the same with The Message – and more! Southwestern Indiana’s Catholic community newspaper is on Instagram and Twitter, and the paper also has a Facebook page and its own website. All of these options give you more ways than ever to stay up to date on diocesan happenings and keep in touch – with us and with each other.


Check out the screen shots with this story. They offer you a chance to see various social-media and online pages, as shown on different mobile devices and, in the case of The Message website, on a computer. Please bookmark that page; like The Message Facebook page; and follow Bishop Thompson and The Message on Instagram and Twitter.


We look forward to seeing you online!


Bishop Thompson


On Instagram: BishopCThompson

On Twitter: @BishopCThompson


The Message


On Facebook:

On Instagram: TheMessageOnline

On Twitter: @MessageOnline
